Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)  

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Abstract (2622 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1322 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1299 Views)   |   Highlights
• The nursing students’ perception of the image of nursing is affected by the viewpoint of society towards the profession.
• The variables of gender and willingly selecting the profession could affect the professional image perception of nursing students.
• Willingly selecting the profession and liking the profession contribute to the formation of positive self-respect as well as professionalism.
Plain Language Summary 
A professional image is the beliefs, ideas, and impressions of an individual about a profession. Nursing students could have positive and negative images of nursing. The obtained results suggested that nursing students had a good image perception of the nursing profession. Besides, gender and willingly selecting the profession could affect the professional image perception of nursing students.

Abstract (3624 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1994 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (2008 Views)   |   Highlights
• Investigating the psychological problems of labor, children should be targeted by psychologists and counselors.
• The immigrant population is largely identified as an illegal immigrant workforce and suffers from serious social harm.
• Informal education and play therapy reduce psychological traumas, such as anxiety and loneliness in children.
• The case study method contributes to an in-depth understanding of therapeutic changes. 
Plain Language Summary 
In 2015, according to the United Nations Office for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of displaced persons reached 52 million. These families, who migrate to other countries because of war or economic refugees, work illegally for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile, their children also work, which is inappropriate for their development and adds to the problems of the host community. This study examined 3 sexually-abused Afghan female labor children. Gestalt play therapy helped these children alleviate anxiety and loneliness caused by their psychological problems. Informal education and play therapy in schools can help reduce the psychosocial problems of children.

Abstract (2521 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1307 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1004 Views)   |   Highlights
• Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men, the second in women, and is the third leading cause of cancer deaths.
• If colorectal cancer is detected in the early stages, the 5-year survival rate is increased to 90%.
• Due to the lack of screening programs in many countries, only 39% of early colon cancers are identified.
• The early detection or secondary prevention of cancer is highly important for controlling specific cancers, like the colorectal type.
• People’s health beliefs significantly affect their health, including behaviors preventing illnesses or screening.
Plain Language Summary 
Cancer incidence in developing countries is reported to be increasing due to aging populations, changing lifestyles, smoking habits, immobility, and the westernization of diet. Beliefs related to colorectal cancer are a factor impacting a person’s decision about the colorectal cancer program. This study discussed the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of healthcare providers about colorectal cancer screening based on HBM. The study results reported that the knowledge of colorectal cancer was higher than the average. Test performance was also satisfactory in people aged over 50 years. Integrating the colorectal cancer screening program into the healthcare programs has had good results and could be a starting point for other programs.

Abstract (3504 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (2035 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (2255 Views)   |   Highlights
• A descriptive study assessed the level of awareness and observance of patients’ rights by nurses working in hospitals; 
• Evaluation of the level of awareness and observance of patients' rights by nurses working in hospitals;
• The study participants' knowledge of patients' bill of rights was poor, and their observance of patients' rights was moderate.
Plain Language Summary 
A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 83 nurses working in hospitals. Most patients believe that some of their rights, including information, treatment, and acceptance or rejection of treatment are not followed by healthcare providers. Lack of awareness of the patient’s rights may be due to inadequate or inappropriate information regarding the subject of patient’s rights. The results of this study revealed that the overall score of nurses’ performance about patient’s rights was reported as moderate in 83.1%, weak in 13.3%, and good only in 3.6% of the nurses, which require more attention of the managers of the related hospitals. Some workshops and other solutiono are recommended.

Abstract (2748 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1323 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1069 Views)   |   Highlights
• Fatigue is among the most frequent symptoms associated with MS.
• The relaxation technique is a method of mental relaxation to managing stress, decreasing anxiety, and promoting physical discomfort.
• Benson relaxation exercises significantly reduced the average fatigue severity of patients with MS. 
Plain Language Summary 
The current study assessed the effect of Benson relaxation techniques on the fatigue of patients with MS in a hospital in Kashan City, Iran. MS complications affect all aspects of the individual's life and disrupt the normal course of family life due to its debilitating nature. Fatigue is among the most common symptoms associated with MS. Fatigue management, and general health promotion includes pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions. Benson relaxation technique can be used as a low-cost, safe, and ordinary complementary therapy to reduce fatigue in patients with MS.

Abstract (2109 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1238 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (715 Views)   |   Highlights
• Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) is highly prevalent among the global elderly population.
• Patients and their family members require adequate knowledge about pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs to prevent DDI or reduce its risk.
• The present findings highlight the necessity of running educational programs for different healthcare providers to improve their knowledge about DDI and polypharmacy.
Plain Language Summary 
This study assessed the rates of inappropriate drug prescription among the elderly in Kashan City, Iran. The study findings revealed that >85% of study participants were taking at least one drug. Furthermore, the study participants were taking >6 drugs per day, on average. Prescribing inappropriate drugs for the elderly could cause them different life-threatening problems, such as drug toxicity, confusion, falls, and pulmonary aspiration. 

Abstract (2560 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1624 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1351 Views)   |   Highlights
• Pain has been introduced as the fifth vital sign.
• Pain management is among the main tasks of nurses.
• Numerous challenges are correlated with the barriers and facilitators of patient pain management.
Plain Language Summary 
Medicine treats injuries and diseases to support patients and accelerate the healing process. It manages patients’ distressing symptoms, like pain, to relieve suffering. The present study assessed Iranian nurses’ perspectives on the barriers to and facilitators of pain management. The obtained results revealed that insufficient nurse/patient ratio, excessive demand for pain medications by the patients, the spoken language difference between physician and patient, the ignorance of pain as a priority in care, and failure to precise pain assessment have been respectively determined as the main barriers to pain management by nurses. in the in-service courses of pain management, having sufficient pain management skills, motivation for relieving pain, effective nurse-physician relationship, the proper supervision of the organization on a timely patient visit by physicians, and patient cooperation in pain management were determined as the main facilitators of pain management, respectively.

Abstract (2574 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1270 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (750 Views)   |   Highlights
• Patient satisfaction is considered to be a hallmark indicator of health care quality.
• Ischemic heart disease is among the main causes of patients’ admission to the emergency department.
• Patients with ischemic heart disease admitted to the emergency department require urgent care.
Plain Language Summary 
The current study assessed the satisfaction of patients with ischemic heart disease in terms of the care received in the emergency department of an educational hospital in Kashan City, Iran. The study patients’ total satisfaction was at a relatively desirable level; however, these patients had low satisfaction with patient education. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge is among the main reasons for the frequent referral of ischemia patients. Therefore, nursing managers and health policymakers must take appropriate actions to improve such care. 

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