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● The female-headed household population is growing all over the world and in Iran as well.
● The majority of female-headed households are single mothers. They are responsible for bringing food to the home and take care of their children.
● It is necessary to design basic programs and make the right decisions to empower the female-headed household. These programs should include finding jobs, health insurance, and training new skills.
Plain Language Summary
It is estimated that three million female-headed households live in Iran. These women become heads of households for various reasons such as the death of the husband or divorce, immigration, disappearing, fatal accidents or imprisonment, termination of marriage, military service, sickness, disability, addiction, and unemployment. Some psychological traits such as hardiness and resiliency, make people more resistant to life’s challenges. This study reveals that the psychological hardiness and resiliency of employed female-headed households is more than their unemployed counterparts.