Volume 6, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)  

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Abstract (2867 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1415 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (995 Views)   |   Highlights
● Despite many efforts and interventions conducted, the noise level in NICUs is still above the standard level.
● The most effective way to reduce noise is to provide continuous training to the personnel.
● To achieve sustainable results, changing culture is necessary. 
Plain Language Summary 
This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of noise reduction methods in neonatal intensive care units. To achieve the goal, 26 interventional articles in English/Persian language were examined in a 10-year period. The results showed that the noise level in these units is higher than the standard. Most studies have focused on staff training. Studies have yielded conflicting results and in some cases, staff training was not enough to reduce noise. Therefore, there is a need to continue education for personnel and all clients in these units. The change in the physical structure and culture of the department staff helps to sustain the results of noise reduction measures. Future studies are needed to discover new solutions to this old problem.

Abstract (2845 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1234 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1187 Views)   |   Highlights
● The female-headed household population is growing all over the world and in Iran as well.
● The majority of female-headed households are single mothers. They are responsible for bringing food to the home and take care of their children.
● It is necessary to design basic programs and make the right decisions to empower the female-headed household. These programs should include finding jobs, health insurance, and training new skills. 
Plain Language Summary 
It is estimated that three million female-headed households live in Iran. These women become heads of households for various reasons such as the death of the husband or divorce, immigration, disappearing, fatal accidents or imprisonment, termination of marriage, military service, sickness, disability, addiction, and unemployment. Some psychological traits such as hardiness and resiliency, make people more resistant to life’s challenges. This study reveals that the psychological hardiness and resiliency of employed female-headed households is more than their unemployed counterparts.

Abstract (2722 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1463 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (3248 Views)   |   Highlights
● Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world. 
● Stroke survivors may face new challenges such as living with their disabilities. 
● The family-centered empowerment model can increase the quality of life in patients with stroke. 
Plain Language Summary 
Stroke has a direct impact on health systems, resulting in high costs. It is also a global public health problem due to multiple disabilities resulting from it. The family-centered empowerment model helps patients and their family members to collaboratively participate in an empowerment program and promote the patient’s health. The results indicate that this model improved the quality of life of patients with stroke. 

Abstract (2504 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1175 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (911 Views)   |   Highlights
● Patient safety is considered as an inherent component of healthcare quality. 
● The main requirement to improve patient safety is to promote patient safety culture.
● Nowadays despite the significant progress of medical science, there are still a lot of unintended harms that threaten patients all around the world.
● The nature of the operating room requires a different approach to patient safety, as various invasive procedures are performed in this room.
Plain Language Summary 
Unsafe culture of healthcare employees is a major issue for healthcare providers in promoting the quality of care which is closely correlated with the occurrence of hospital errors and incidents. The operating room is one of the main units in the hospital, where the most important phase of patient treatment is performed. This study was designed to determine the status of patient safety culture and its related factors from the perspective of operating room personnel. According to the results, the average safety culture was not ideal in the operating room personnel. 

Abstract (2607 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1115 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (985 Views)   |   Highlights
● Nurses’ sense of cohesion has a positive effect on their perceived organizational support.
● Professional ethics has a positive effect on job performance and the perceived organizational support of nurses. 
● Nurses’ perceived organizational support has a positive effect on their job performance.
Plain Language Summary 
The nurses’ shifting work has negative effects on family and social aspects of their life. Affecting the perceived organizational support, the sense of cohesion and professional ethics can involve the nurses’ job performance. In general, this study found that the sense of cohesion has a positive effect on perceived organizational support. Also, professional ethics has a positive effect on job performance and perceived organizational support. Finally, perceived organizational support has a positive effect on job performance.

Abstract (2861 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1450 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1355 Views)   |   Highlights
● Pregnancy is associated with many psychological changes.
● Writing is one of the simple methods which reduces stress, anxiety, and depression during pregnancy. 
● Expressive writing is an effective way to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression during pregnancy.
● Management of stress, anxiety, and depression of mothers is part of midwifery care.
● Midwives can recommend this simple and inexpensive method to pregnant women and provide them with better mental health.
Plain Language Summary 
Pregnancy is associated with many psychological changes. Pregnant women may experience varying degrees of stress, anxiety, and depression. Lack of attention and disregard for these conditions is associated with adverse effects on the mother and fetus. Simple and non-pharmacological methods during pregnancy have drawn a lot of attention due to the lack of complications. Writing emotions on paper is a method that has been studied in various groups and is associated with positive results. In the present study, writing emotions on paper reduced stress, anxiety, and depression in pregnant women.

Abstract (2533 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1267 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1252 Views)   |   Highlights
● The nurses working in neonatal intensive care units had good knowledge about human donor milk.
● The nurses did not have a positive attitude toward human donor milk. 
● Knowledge and attitude of the nurses of the neonatal intensive care units about human donor milk were significantly associated with their marital status.
Plain Language Summary 
Human donor milk and donor milk banks are new issues in Iran. Knowledge and attitude of nurses about human donor milk, prepared by human milk banks and its pros and cons are very important because they can encourage mothers to choose donor milk. According to the study results, the nurses working in neonatal intensive care units had good knowledge about donor milk; however, they lacked a favorable attitude toward it. Knowledge and attitude of nurses about donor milk were associated with their marital status, too.

Abstract (2465 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1209 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (917 Views)   |   Highlights
● Hemodialysis patients suffer from poor physical, mental, and social health conditions.
● The BASNEF (belief, attitude, subjective norm, and enabling factors) model is used to change the behavior and create new behavior in clients.
● The empowerment program based on the BASNEF model is effective on the general health of patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Plain Language Summary 
The health status of patients undergoing hemodialysis should be monitored in four areas of fluid restriction, special diet, avoiding addictive drugs, and regular dialysis. Patients should be involved in the process of self-care to control the side effects of their disease. According to the results of the empowerment program, BASNEF (belief, attitude, subjective norm, and enabling factors) model was effective on the general health of patients undergoing hemodialysis.

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