Volume 4, Issue 3 (Summer 2018)                   JCCNC 2018, 4(3): 131-138 | Back to browse issues page

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Husni Amireh M M, Omer F E A M. Caregivers’ Perspective About the Levels of Sensory Processing Problems in Children With Autism. JCCNC 2018; 4 (3) :131-138
URL: http://jccnc.iums.ac.ir/article-1-183-en.html
1- Department of Occupational Therapy, Launch Egypt Center for Special Needs, Cairo, Egypt. , mohannad.amireh@yahoo.com
2- Launch Egypt Center for Special Needs, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract:   (2971 Views)
Background: Children with autism should interact and get along with their surrounding environment. Therefore, the researchers must try to explain the reasons of challenges in their adaptive behaviors. This study aimed to evaluate levels of challenges in sensory processing and the motor domain of adaptive behavior among children with autism in Egypt, and to explore the effect of sensory processing on subdomains of gross and fine motor skills. 
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Study questionnaires were distributed to 180 caregivers of children with autism in Cairo, Egypt, between July 2017 and February 2018. The caregivers were selected by convenience sampling method. The questionnaires used were the sensory checklist and adaptive behavior scales. Descriptive statistics and comparing means were used to determine the levels of sensory processing and motor domain of adaptive behavior. Linear regression analyses was used to test the effects of sensory domains on motor areas. SPSS-PC V. 25 was used to analyze the obtained data. 
Results: The results demonstrated various problems in children’s sensory processing and the motor domain of adaptive behavior. Caregivers reported that 96.67% of the children had frequent sensory challenges in at least one component of sensory domains, mostly in visual system (27.2%). Subdomain of fine motor skills (Mean=1.4951) showed higher challenges than gross motor skills (Mean=1.9455). This study proved significant inverse effect for movement processing on gross motor subdomain at α=0.05.
Conclusion: Parents of children with autism, occupational therapists, and other healthcare practitioners should gain in-depth knowledge regarding their children’s behaviors and their possible reasons.
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● About 96.67% of children with autism have sensory challenges in at least one sensory domain.
● Almost 74.4% of these children got scores more than 2 SD below the typical mean of Vineland scores.
● The subdomain of fine motor skills in these children showed higher challenges than gross motor skills.
● This study proved significant inverse effect for the movement processing on gross motor skills of autism children.
Plain Language Summary
Autism is a disorder that limits persons’ ability to interact with others. It affects social communication, language, and sensory processing. Autism is characterized by many manifestations, one of them is sensory processing disorder, which refers to unusual receiving, organizing, and interpreting sensory stimuli. Sensory processing disorder may be over-responsivity, under-responsivity, or sensory seeking. Sensory processing disorder affects adaptive behavior i.e. a person’s ability to function independently. This study aimed to evaluate challenges in sensory processing and the motor domain of adaptive behavior among children with autism in Egypt, and also to explore the effect of sensory processing on subdomains of gross and fine motor skills. The results showed various challenges in children’s sensory processing and the motor domain of adaptive behavior.

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/11/27 | Accepted: 2018/12/11 | Published: 2019/01/1

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