Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)                   JCCNC 2024, 10(2): 135-146 | Back to browse issues page

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Masharipova A, Nurgaliyeva N, Derbissalina G. Nurses’ Level of Preparedness to Provide Palliative Care and Its Relationship With Their Evidence-based Practice. JCCNC 2024; 10 (2) :135-146
URL: http://jccnc.iums.ac.ir/article-1-519-en.html
1- Department of General Practice With the Course of Evidence–based Medicine, NJSC Astana Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan. , alexa_0706@mail.ru
2- Department of General Practice With the Course of Evidence–based Medicine, NJSC Astana Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Abstract:   (1293 Views)
Background: Nursing practice must include palliative care (PC) as an essential component. The main obstacles to quality PC are nurses’ lack of knowledge, negative attitudes, and gaps in evidence-based practice (EBP). Accordingly, the present study aims to evaluate nurses’ knowledge of PC, their attitude towards caring for dying patients, and its relationship with EBP (knowledge/skills, attitude, and performance) in primary health care (PHC) organizations in Astana City, Kazakhstan.
Methods: The data were collected through a cross-sectional study design from 565 nurses working in primary health care organizations in Astana, Kazakhstan, from January 2022 to March 2023. The subjects were recruited by convenience sampling. The study data were collected using an online questionnaire with four parts: Demographic and professional characteristics, the palliative care quiz for nurses (PCQN), the Frommelt attitudes towards care of the dying (FATCOD), and the evidence-based practice questionnaire (EBPQ). The independent t-test, a one-way ANOVA, and Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient were employed to analyze data. Hierarchical multiple regression was also developed to identify variables influencing nurses’ PC knowledge. SPSS software, version 24, was used for data analysis. The significance level was set at 0.05.
Results: The nurses’ PC knowledge level was low (mean score=9.06±2.93). Most nurses (93%) had a neutral or negative attitude towards caring for dying patients (mean score=94.50±12.41). The obtained score (4.39±1.05) on the EBPQ indicated a moderate level of competence in EBP. Work experience (β=0.534; P=0.000) and competencies in EBP (β=0.136, P=0.001) were associated with knowledge of PC. The aspect of knowledge/skills in EBP had the most significant impact on nurses’ competence level in the PC field (β=0.122, P=0.005).
Conclusion: An insufficient level of nurses’ knowledge about PC and a neutral or negative attitude towards caring for dying patients were revealed. The results also indicated that much attention and resources should be directed to improving nurses’ knowledge level in the field of EBP because this aspect significantly affects the level of knowledge on PC.
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● Palliative care is an integral component of the primary health care system.
● Nurses in this study had a low or inadequate knowledge about palliative care and a negative or neutral attitude toward it.
● The nurses’ lack of knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice may contribute to their lack of preparedness to provide palliative care.
Demographic and occupational factors, such as age, work experience, level of education, and attendance at palliative care training, can affect the nurses’ knowledge of palliative care and attitude to the care of dying patients.
Plain Language Summary 
Through palliative care, nurses improve the quality of life of seriously-ill patients and their families. They can use special measures to predict, prevent, and reduce their suffering. This type of care is essential for end-of-life patients. Evidence-Based nursing practice is high-quality nursing care considering up-to-date scientific research rather than relying on traditional methods, peer recommendations, or personal beliefs. This study showed that knowledge of palliative care among primary health care nurses in Astana City, Kazakhstan, was low or inadequate, and the attitude toward dying patients in most cases was neutral. Nurses mostly scored low on the professional competencies in evidence-based nursing practice, mainly in the practice aspect. Moreover, there was a strong direct relationship between knowledge and attitude to palliative care and the level of evidence-based practice proficiency. 

Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/08/17 | Accepted: 2023/12/13 | Published: 2024/05/1

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