Background: Divorce is a global issue, and its rate continues to increase every year. There has been a great deal of research on divorce; however, there has not been any attempt to provide a thorough scientific mapping of the topic. The networks, patterns, and divorce trends can be revealed through bibliometric analysis. This study aimed to identify the network visualization, overlay visualization, and density visualization of the factors that cause divorce.
Methods: This research was a bibliometric analysis study. The keywords were identified by searching the database at dimensions application and followed the stages of the PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses). The type of publication chosen was articles limited to publication from 2019 to 2023, focusing on human society, health science, psychology, and biomedical fields. Data were analyzed using VOSViewer software, version 1.6.18, and then reviewed by the co-occurrence and co-authors.
Results: The underlying factors of divorce found in this bibliometric study are very diverse. Based on network visualization, there were 178 items in 7 clusters with 5123 links and a total link strength of 40770. Through overlay visualization, the research trend regarding the factors related to divorce was early marriage, attitude toward marriage, HIV testing, depressive symptoms, sexual abuse, the COVID-19 pandemic, and culture. Meanwhile, according to density visualization, the topics with low category visualization were marital burnout, sexual violence against women, non-suicidal self-injury, physical abuse, and sexual satisfaction.
Conclusion: Previous studies have found a lot about the factors causing divorce through qualitative and quantitative study methods, but still, few studies have focused on how to prevent divorce. For other researchers, choosing a topic that belongs to the low visualization category is recommended to explore themes that have not yet been widely researched.
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● The number of divorces in different countries is increasing every year.
● Many adverse effects of divorce on husband, wife, children, families, and communities become a serious social problem that must be addressed.
● It is necessary to know what factors cause divorce to reduce the number of divorces by preventing them; bibliometric studies can serve this goal.
● Overlay visualization indicates that the newest widely-researched topics related to factors causing divorce are early marriage, attitude towards marriage, HIV testing, depressive symptoms, sexual abuse, the COVID-19 pandemic, and culture.
● Based on the density visualization, topics related to the factors of divorce that were rarely researched are marital burnout, sexual violence against women, non-suicidal self-injury, physical abuse, and sexual satisfaction.
● It can be seen that research themes related to divorce are currently trending but are still rarely carried out, so they can be input for further research on the factors causing divorce.
Plain Language Summary
Novelty in scientific publishing is crucial. It is an absolute requirement that must be regarded in scientific articles. With bibliometric analysis, we can identify research themes and trends that are currently trending and have been widely researched. Bibliometric analysis using VOSViewers can include individual journals, researchers, or publications, and all of these can be obtained by citation, bibliographical merge, co-citation, or co-author links. VOSViewer also offers text mining functionality, which can be used to build and visualize co-occurrence networks of key terms extracted from collections of scientific literature. In the bibliometric analysis of the factors that cause divorce, we found variables such as early marriage, attitude, HIV testing, depressive symptoms, sexual abuse, the COVID-19 pandemic, and culture, which are research trends. Marital burnout, sexual violence against women, non-suicidal self-injury, physical abuse, and sexual satisfaction were still rarely researched. Therefore, to achieve innovation in research, it is hoped that future research will be conducted on topics that are still seldom done.
Type of Study:
Review Article |
General Received: 2023/08/18 | Accepted: 2023/10/21 | Published: 2024/05/1