Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)  

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Abstract (3595 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1294 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (608 Views)   |   Highlights

● Dyspnea is common in older people, and one of its causes include the aging process. 
● There was no single intervention to relieve breathlessness, and holistic intervention such as non-medical approaches is needed to provide incremental relief.
● Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation over acupoints, cognitive behavior therapy, inspiratory muscle training, and yoga have shown potential benefits in alleviating breathlessness among older patients.
Plain Language Summary 
This is a review study about non-pharmacological treatments of breathlessness or shortness of breath management in older patients. Breathlessness is a multifactorial problem, and thus, interventions in the specific mechanisms can relieve it. Besides the effect of the aging process, many conditions can cause breathlessness such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, cardiac failure, end-stage renal disease, and advanced neurological disease. There is no single intervention to relieve breathlessness, particularly chronic refractory breathlessness. This study identified that non-pharmacological treatments such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation over acupoints, cognitive behavior therapy, inspiratory muscle training, and yoga were commonly used in breathlessness management and have shown potential benefits among older patient with breathlessness. 

Abstract (3222 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1283 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (853 Views)   |   Highlights

● Heart failure is one of the most common types of heart diseases.
● Heart failure is a chronic disease that affects daily activities and requires long-term care. 
● Despite the medical advancements, the long-term prognosis for this disease is still poor.
● Healthy lifestyle reduces the incidence and severity of chronic diseases.
Plain Language Summary 
Chronic diseases account for 60% of deaths in the world. Nowadays, responding to this demand in the management of chronic diseases is a priority for health care providers. Since the major part of care is on patients, their direct involvement in the process of treatment is very effective in reducing the health costs. This study discusses the relationship between health-promoting lifestyle and self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure. Study results showed that health responsibility was the most effective factor in predicting self-care behavior in patients with heart failure. Thus, patients’ empowering to take care of themselves and having a healthy lifestyle are recommended.

Abstract (3487 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1271 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (887 Views)   |   Highlights

● Guided games before dressing change could reduce procedural pain in 3-6 years old children.
● Pain management in preschool children needs more attention.
● Pediatric nurses can use games with available devices and without any specialized training for children.
Plain Language Summary 
We studied the effect of the game on the severity of pain in children's burning dressing change. The results showed that performing the game before changing the dressing and explaining the procedure to children could reduce the amount of pain caused by the dressing change. Given the importance of reducing pain in burned patients, relaxation, and pain relief can result in a better outcome. Replacing the game with a guided game method can be useful and better than drug interventions to reduce the pain associated with burns.

Abstract (2972 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1139 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (770 Views)   |   Highlights

● The use of active learning teaching techniques facilitates learning and promotes positive interactions among nursing students; it enhances group decision-making process and increases trust among students.
● The findings of this study support the importance of student engagement in the educational process through the use of active teaching methods.
● Multiple teaching methods do not affect nursing students’ knowledge in the area of patient education. However, it improves student satisfaction as well as the performance with regards to patient education.  
Plain Language Summary 
Patient education is an important role of nurses. Although nursing students are expected to be skillful in patient education, current programs do not seem able to provide them with appropriate knowledge and fail to meet their satisfaction and performance needs. This study compared the effects of multiple teaching methods and conventional methods on the knowledge, satisfaction, and performance of bachelorette nursing students. The method included writing scenarios about standard patients, playing roles, recording videos, and analyzing the condition in 5 groups of 6 bachelorette nursing students. Teaching with multiple methods facilitates students’ satisfaction and performance through their engagement in the educational process. 

Abstract (3054 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1308 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1425 Views)   |   Highlights

● Cardiovascular diseases are a significant public health issue that results in disability, mortality, and economic burden in most countries.
● Almost half of cardiovascular diseases are caused by coronary artery diseases. 
● Modifiable risk factors of heart disease such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, smoking, and overweight have a high prevalence in the community.
● According to the World Health Organization, the greatest achievement of advanced societies in preventing many diseases, like coronary artery diseases is due to the awareness of people and control of risk factors.
Plain Language Summary 
Health sciences that previously focused on the treatment of the diseases have now shifted to the prevention of diseases and promotion of health through lifestyle improvements. Health-promoting lifestyle will result in maintaining the function and independence of individuals, improving their quality of life, and reducing health care costs. This study aimed to examine the relationship between people’s awareness of risk factors of coronary heart diseases and health-promoting lifestyle. The study findings showed that the spiritual growth had the highest and exercise and physical activity the lowest mean scores of health-promoting lifestyle dimensions. The importance of physical activity in the prevention of coronary artery disease should be emphasized in these courses.

Abstract (2578 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1032 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1077 Views)   |   Highlights

● Patients with osteoporosis have multiple physical problems related to their disease and the adverse effects of traditional treatments.
● Self-efficacy education can encourage osteoporosis preventing behaviors.
● Empowerment based on health model is effective in promoting self-efficacy and osteoporosis preventing behaviors.
Plain Language Summary 
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone weakness increases the risk of a broken bone. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among the elderly. In recent years, the focus is on using empowerment interventions combined with self-efficacy technique for its treatment. This clinical trial study investigated the effect of “osteoporosis prevention empowerment program” based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on the self-efficacy of Iranian older adults. The study results showed that education based on HBM is effective in promoting self-efficacy and osteoporosis preventing behaviors.

Abstract (2414 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (969 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (750 Views)   |   Highlights
● Hospitalization of a child is a stressful experience for both the child and the family.
● The attitude of the health care team affects the entire hospital experience of the patient and his or her family.
● Parental opinions are important in evaluating the results of provided health care services.
● According to our study results, mothers experienced high levels of anxiety, moderate satisfaction, and moderate physical, psychosocial, and economic problems during the hospitalization of their children.
● To improve the quality of care in pediatric hospitals, the sources of anxiety, and satisfaction of the clients should be evaluated.
Plain Language Summary
The current study was conducted on 341 mothers to determine their sources of anxiety and satisfaction when their children are hospitalized for acute reasons. It was found that the mothers have experienced a high level of anxiety, moderate satisfaction, and moderate physical, psychosocial, and economic problems during their children’s hospitalization. It was determined that the anxiety and problems faced by the working mothers and mothers whose children were previously hospitalized were significantly higher than not working mothers or mothers whose children were hospitalized for the first time. To improve the quality of care in pediatric hospitals, it is very important to evaluate the sources of anxiety and satisfaction of the mothers. It should be remembered that the role of health professionals is very important in mothers’ positive hospital experience and care should be planned accordingly.

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