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● There was a significant difference between the total quality of life and its dimensions in different leukemia types.
● Patients with myeloid leukemia had a better QoL, compared to those with lymphocytic leukemia.
● Patients with leukemia had better performance in the physical area and weaker performance in the social domain.
● There was a significant relationship between the age, residency, and marital status of patients with leukemia and their total quality of life.
Plain Language Summary
The current study assessed the quality of life of patients with different leukemia types in a hospital in Arak City, Iran. Moreover, the total life quality of these patients was at a relatively appropriate level; although it differed in various leukemia types. Therefore, there is a need to consider the leukemia type while providing these patients with biosocial, emotional, and cognitive needs. Generally, these patients had better and poorer performance in physical and social domains, respectively, in terms of life quality. It means that more attention should be paid to the social needs of these patients.