Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)  

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Abstract (10339 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1526 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1814 Views)   |   Highlights
● Fatigue is considered as one of the most prevalent complications of cancer and its treatments.
● The complementary medicine methods with low cost and low risk can be used in patients with cancer.
● An aromatherapy massage is more effective than aromatherapy by inhalation in reducing fatigue resulting from radiotherapy in patients with cancer.
Plain Language Summary 
Fatigue is one of the most prevalent complications of cancer and its treatments. The current study assessed the effect of aromatherapy by inhalation and massage on radiotherapy-induced fatigue in patients with cancer in Tehran, Iran. Cancer complications affect all aspects of life and disrupt the normal course of family life due to its debilitating nature. Fatigue management includes pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions. Aromatherapy by massage and inhalation can be used as a cost-effective, safe, and ordinary complementary therapy to reduce fatigue in patients with cancer; however, aromatherapy by massage is more effective.

Abstract (2530 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1396 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1164 Views)   |   Highlights
● Covid-19 is an emerging phenomenon that has not yet fully understood regarding its social, psychological, and economic aspects.
● Little is known about the long-term effects of living in home quarantine and its effects on family relationships, especially between mother and child.
● The mothers in this study were concerned about the health and physical issues, educational quality and wasting learning opportunities, the impact of financial disputes on children, and they were also confused about playing their motherhood role.
Plain Language Summary 
The new coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) is a pneumonia epidemic that occurred on December 31, 2019, in Wuhan, China, and then quickly has spread throughout the world. Examining the life experiences and attitudes of Iranian mothers regarding the care of their children in more than three months of home quarantine provides appropriate information on how to behave and care for children. The most important finding of this research was that the psychological pressures of quarantining and worrying about the ambiguous future and economic problems can jeopardize the relationship between mother and child, and ultimately their mental health.

Abstract (2950 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1564 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (18968 Views)   |   Highlights
● In this study, the mindfulness-based self-compassion and attachment-based therapy models were used as therapeutic interventions to decrease the self-criticism and mental fatigue among male adolescents with addiction potential.
● The findings of this study indicated that the two models of mindfulness-based self-compassion and attachment-based therapy reduced the negative emotions and thoughts, such as self-criticism and fatigue among adolescents with addiction potential.
 ● There was no difference between mindfulness-based self-compassion and attachment-based therapy models in terms of their effect on self-criticism and mental fatigue of male adolescents with addiction potential.
Plain Language Summary 
Addiction readiness is one of the problems, which is more likely to occur in adolescence. Some psychological traits, such as self-criticism and mental fatigue lead to negative emotions in adolescents. As a result, the adolescent may be drawn to drugs to relieve stress and negative emotions. According to the findings of this study, mindfulness-based self-compassion and attachment-based therapy as two therapeutic interventions are applicable and effective for decreasing negative emotions and raising the self-confident and assertive behaviors among adolescents with addiction potential. 

Abstract (2675 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1325 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1030 Views)   |   Highlights
● Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is the most serious form of coronary artery disease. 
● Anxiety is one of the most frequently observed problems in patients with ACS.
● Relaxation as an affordable method can increase the sense of wellbeing and reduce hospital stay and mortality.
● The effects of lavender on anxiety have been reported in previous studies.
● Despite the presence of changes in the anxiety after the interventions, the Benson relaxation technique and lavender aromatherapy were not effective on state and trait anxiety compared with the control group.
● The improvement in anxiety was greater on the second day compared with the first day and it was not dependent on the group. 
Plain Language Summary 
Benson relaxation and aromatherapy are non-invasive and non-prescriptive therapeutic methods for reducing anxiety levels. However, in this study, both interventions were not effective, which can be related to the patients’ condition who experienced the acute phase of coronary heart disease. Further studies are needed to determine appropriate care and treatment for these patients to reduce their anxiety. 

Abstract (2427 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1144 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1087 Views)   |   Highlights
● The quality of services as perceived by patients was lower than their expectations.
● The assurance dimension had the greatest gap.
● The responsiveness dimension had the lowest gap.
Plain Language Summary 
In this study, we examined the gap between perceptions and expectations of hospital service quality from the perspective of the patients referring to five private hospitals in Tehran. The lowest gap was observed in the responsiveness dimension, meaning that the patients had largely received the medical services they had expected. In other words, the patients believed that doctors and hospital staff are available at the time of their problems and are interested in a prompt resolution. Conversely, the greatest gap was observed in the assurance dimension. It means that the patients believed doctors and hospital staff do not have enough knowledge to help them and treat them with respect. In other words, the staff failed to create a sense of security and confidence in patients. It seems that holding briefings for staff on how to communicate with patients and keeping their dignity and conducting workshops and new diagnostic and therapeutic courses to provide services with the expected quality of patients will be effective in reducing the quality gap.

Abstract (2652 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1164 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (1302 Views)   |   Highlights
● Positive family communication patterns and resiliency had a negative effect on craving for drugs.
● There was a negative relationship between resiliency and family communication patterns with difficulty in cognitive emotion regulation.
● There was a positive and significant relationship between difficulty in cognitive emotion regulation and craving for drugs.
Plain Language Summary 
Drug craving involves an extreme desire to abuse drugs, and if not satisfied, it will result in psychological and physical suffering, including weakness, loss of appetite, insomnia, aggressiveness, and depression. Various factors, such as resiliency, family communication patterns, and cognitive emotion regulation affect craving for drugs. According to the results, positive communication between family members and resiliency have a negative effect on craving for drugs, whereas difficulty in cognitive emotion regulation has a positive effect on craving for drugs.

Abstract (2662 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (1454 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (881 Views)   |   Highlights
● Fazio-Londe disease is a genetic rare disorder manifesting by acute respiratory distress.
● Health care providers should be aware of the new and constant symptoms of this rare disease.
● A patient-centered nursing care model is suggested to manage the disease.
Plain Language Summary 
This article is a case report of Fazio-Londe syndrome, its comparison with other case reports in the literature, and its patient-centered nursing care. The health care providers are recommended to follow the home care of Fazio-Londe syndrome patients and consider that this syndrome may be accompanied by new manifestations, such as Ponto bulbar palsy (difficulty swallowing, weak jaw and facial muscles, progressive loss of speech, and weakening of the tongue), muscle pain, chills, sputum, and cyanosis. Also, the patient-centered nursing care model is suggested for providing care for these patients. 

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