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Health promotion is a process that improves people’s health and increases their control over it.
• In infertile women, the mean score of HPL was lower than the median score of the scale.
• Among the 5 dimensions of religious coping mechanisms, the highest mean score pertained to active religious coping, while the lowest means belonged to passive religious coping, followed by negative feelings towards God.
• A weak but significant inverse relationship was observed between negative feelings towards God and health-promoting lifestyle.
• A weak yet significant inverse relationship was observed between passive religious coping and interpersonal relations.
Plain Language Summary
Religion plays a crucial role in various aspects of some people’s lives. Religious coping, as well as religious beliefs and customs, can affect human well-being. Due to the physical, psychological, and financial consequences of infertility and its treatment process, infertile women may lack the motivation to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. However, religious coping can provide a new perspective by re-evaluating problems and giving these women hope. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between religious coping and health-promoting lifestyle. The results show that the health-promoting lifestyle in infertile women is lower than average. With the increase in negative feelings towards God, the health-promoting lifestyle and some of its dimensions, including physical activity, nutrition, and interpersonal relationships, decline. Also, with increased passive religious coping, interpersonal relationships decrease slightly.