Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2024)  

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Abstract (1652 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (464 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (313 Views)   |   Highlights
• Personal identity is formed during adolescence. Therefore, this group is very vulnerable to substance abuse and risky behaviors.
• Health literacy is one of the factors that gives adolescents a better understanding and shows healthier behaviors in dealing with health-related issues.
• The results of the study showed that although the addiction susceptibility of the adolescents was low, they lacked adequate health literacy.
• Adolescents’ health literacy and addiction susceptibility are associated with their gender, level of interest in learning health-related topics, addiction in the family, mother’s and father’s education and occupation.
• By increasing health literacy and its dimensions in adolescents, their susceptibility to addiction decreases. 
Plain Language Summary 
Despite the extensive efforts made worldwide to control drugs, the prevalence of drug use continues to increase. Adolescents experience significant emotional, social, cognitive, and biological changes during their teenage years, which may negatively affect their behavioral choices. This study investigated the relationship between health literacy and susceptibility to addiction in senior high school students. The results showed a significant relationship between health literacy and addiction susceptibility; this means that with the rise in health literacy, the tendency to addiction decreases; also, with increasing interest in learning health-related topics, the susceptibility to addiction decreases.

Abstract (1584 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (353 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (357 Views)   |   Highlights
• Information and communication technology (ICT) facilitates patients with chronic diseases to receive appropriate medical care and enables them to better manage their condition. Therefore, it is necessary to have tools to measure the use of ICT by these patients.
• The social and economic status of each region affects the type and extent of ICT use by patients with chronic diseases.
• There is no tool to measure ICT use in patients with chronic diseases that considers the differences in the social and economic context of Iran.
• This study led to the development and psychometric measurement of ICT use in patients with chronic diseases in Iranian society.
Plain Language Summary 
The management and control of chronic diseases require the use of information and communication technology. This study developed and psychometrically evaluated the scale of use of information and communication technology scale in Iranian patients with chronic diseases. Based on the research results, the scale designed with 23 items and four factors is a valid and reliable tool to measure the use of information and communication technology in patients with chronic diseases.

Abstract (1664 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (447 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (284 Views)   |   Highlights
● Pain control of non-verbal patients in the intensive care unit is often neglected by the medical staff, especially nurses.
● The attitude, knowledge, and performance of nurses toward pain control of non-verbal patients in intensive care units are poor.
● Nurses in Tanzania and other nurses with low knowledge, negative attitudes, and poor performance in pain management of non-verbal critically ill patients need appropriate in-service training to prevent harm to patients.
Plain Language Summary 
The pain of non-verbal patients in intensive care units may go unnoticed and even change the patient’s treatment. To assess and manage the pain of these patients, there is a need for special tools and special knowledge. In this study, we assessed the knowledge, attitude, and performance of nurses working in the intensive care units of hospitals in a city in Tanzania, and the findings showed that the nurses of these departments have poor knowledge, attitude, and performance concerning the pain management of these patients. It is recommended that nurses apply appropriate tools to assess the pain of these patients and use correct communication strategies to manage the pain of non-verbal critically ill patients in intensive care units. Holding continuous in-service training regarding pain management of non-verbal critically ill patients is also recommended.

Abstract (1600 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (355 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (248 Views)   |   Highlights
• Treatment satisfaction is one of the critical factors of care quality in patients with diabetes mellitus.
• One of the main side effects of treatment with antidiabetic drugs in patients with type 2 diabetes is hypoglycemia, which may cause fear of hypoglycemia in these patients. 
• Treatment satisfaction was significantly associated with fear of hypoglycemia in this study. 
• Being female, diabetes complications, low education level, and severe or very severe hypoglycemia were associated with lower satisfaction with treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes taking oral antidiabetic drugs. 
Plain Language Summary 
Treatment of diabetes mellitus is a complex process. One of the most important concerns in the treatment of diabetes is maintaining an appropriate level of blood sugar along with preventing hypoglycemic episodes. Following the experience of hypoglycemia, patients may develop a fear of hypoglycemia and, thus, non-adherence to treatment. The findings of the present study indicated that the fear of hypoglycemia is related to a decrease in patients’ satisfaction with treatment. Therefore, the determination of patients at risk of fear of hypoglycemia by health care workers can be effective in improving treatment satisfaction and quality of life of these patients. 

Abstract (1478 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (361 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (236 Views)   |   Highlights
● The number of nursing homes and nursing beds in China has vastly grown.
• Decline in the ability of daily life of mildly disabled elderly will intensify the occupation of public resources and severely affect the general capacity of society. Hence, improving the self-care ability of this group of people is of great importance.
• According to the results of this system dynamics study, the 50-day simulation predicted that a significant increase in body function, exercise participation, and level of external environment in the elderly with mild disability will improve their quality of life (QoL) in 30 days. 
Plain Language Summary 
Several factors affect the quality of life (QoL) of the elderly. This study examined the predictors of changes in the QoL of elderly people with mild disabilities in Chinese nursing homes. The findings showed that changes in body function, level of participation in exercise, and alterations in the external environment predict the QoL of the elderly and can make significant changes in their QoL in 30 days.

Abstract (2532 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (884 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (475 Views)   |   Highlights
● Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a common medical emergency and includes self-limiting bleeding to life-threatening hemorrhagic emergencies. 
● Emergency management of UGIB requires nurses’ knowledge and their effective and fast performance.
● Nurses’ response time regarding the management of UGIB reduced after the intervention.
● Nurses’ knowledge and practice regarding the management of UGIB improved after the intervention. 
● Teaching programs about the management of UGIB improved nurses’ practice.
Plain Language Summary 
Nurses play an essential role in accurate assessment and performing appropriate and quick interventions in dealing with the immediate risk of upper gastrointestinal emergency bleeding. Therefore, they must have proper knowledge and performance levels in this field. The results of this study showed that the implementation of training by face-to-face lecture method improves nurses’ knowledge and performance and shortens their response time in managing upper gastrointestinal emergency bleeding. Regular evaluation of the knowledge and performance of emergency nurses in this field and the implementation of an appropriate training program to improve their response time is suggested. 

Abstract (2031 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (397 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (355 Views)   |   Highlights
● Hand hygiene serves as a critical first line of defense in reducing hospital-acquired infections.
● A lack of knowledge and an unfavorable level of attitude and practice about hand hygiene were observed among the ICU nurses.
● Female nurses demonstrated higher knowledge compared to male nurses.
● Nurses with a bachelor’s degree in nursing exhibited more positive attitudes and practices about hand hygiene compared to those with school nursing degrees and diplomas.
● A significant association was found between nurses’ attitudes and practices about hand hygiene and their years of practical experience in the ICU. 
Plain Language Summary 
Hand hygiene serves as a critical first line of defense in reducing hospital-acquired infections and is paramount for infection control. This study determined the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of nurses in the ICUs of Basrah Hospital and Dhi Qar Hospital in Iraq regarding hand hygiene. The findings indicated that ICU nurses exhibit a deficiency in knowledge, an unfavorable attitude, and poor adherence to hand hygiene practices.

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