Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)  

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Abstract (1260 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (417 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (197 Views)   |   Highlights
● Healthcare professionals are often hesitant to disclose errors.
● The emphasis has shifted from individual to team disclosure.
● Disclosure calls for a more nuanced ethical approach that consistently prioritizes patients’ best interests. 
Plain Language Summary 
The editorial illustrates the challenge for healthcare workers to balance patient care and professional duties during error disclosure. It prioritizes honesty and putting the patient interests first but discourages insensitive communication

Abstract (1825 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (609 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (202 Views)   |   Highlights
● The number of divorces in different countries is increasing every year.
● Many adverse effects of divorce on husband, wife, children, families, and communities become a serious social problem that must be addressed.
● It is necessary to know what factors cause divorce to reduce the number of divorces by preventing them; bibliometric studies can serve this goal.
● Overlay visualization indicates that the newest widely-researched topics related to factors causing divorce are early marriage, attitude towards marriage, HIV testing, depressive symptoms, sexual abuse, the COVID-19 pandemic, and culture.
● Based on the density visualization, topics related to the factors of divorce that were rarely researched are marital burnout, sexual violence against women, non-suicidal self-injury, physical abuse, and sexual satisfaction.
● It can be seen that research themes related to divorce are currently trending but are still rarely carried out, so they can be input for further research on the factors causing divorce. 
Plain Language Summary 
Novelty in scientific publishing is crucial. It is an absolute requirement that must be regarded in scientific articles. With bibliometric analysis, we can identify research themes and trends that are currently trending and have been widely researched. Bibliometric analysis using VOSViewers can include individual journals, researchers, or publications, and all of these can be obtained by citation, bibliographical merge, co-citation, or co-author links. VOSViewer also offers text mining functionality, which can be used to build and visualize co-occurrence networks of key terms extracted from collections of scientific literature. In the bibliometric analysis of the factors that cause divorce, we found variables such as early marriage, attitude, HIV testing, depressive symptoms, sexual abuse, the COVID-19 pandemic, and culture, which are research trends. Marital burnout, sexual violence against women, non-suicidal self-injury, physical abuse, and sexual satisfaction were still rarely researched. Therefore, to achieve innovation in research, it is hoped that future research will be conducted on topics that are still seldom done.

Abstract (1639 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (436 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (329 Views)   |   Highlights
● Pressure ulcer (PU) is one of the most serious and prevalent concerns in healthcare, and its incidence is commonly considered a marker for measuring the quality of care.
● Regarding PU prevention, in this study, the Iraqi nurses’ knowledge was low, and their attitudes and practices were unfavorable.
• The knowledge about risk assessment of PU had the lowest mean score, while the knowledge about classification and observation of PU obtained the highest score.
● Nurses’ attitudes toward the “impact of pressure ulcers” had the lowest mean score.
● Nurses considered it important to have “confidence in the effectiveness of prevention” and “prioritize pressure ulcer prevention”.
● There was a significant relationship between knowledge about PU and participation in an in-service training program on PU. 
● There was also a significant relationship between the practice of PU and years of experience in the intensive care unit.
Plain Language Summary 
Pressure ulcer (PU) incidence is an essential indicator of care quality. These ulcers could cause serious complications for patients, including increased morbidity and mortality rates. PU occurrence is even more prevalent among intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Given nurses’ critical role in PU prevention, evaluating their knowledge, attitude, and practice in this area is essential. This study evaluated the knowledge, attitude, and practice of ICU nurses working in Al-Basra and Dhi Qar cities, Iraq, regarding preventing PU. The findings revealed a lack of knowledge, an unfavorable attitude, and a lack of practice among nurses, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions and education to enhance PU prevention and patient care.

Abstract (1278 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (358 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (254 Views)   |   Highlights
● The research focuses on the potential psychological implications of maternal employment on adolescent girls, drawing upon constructs of empathy, positivity, and Big Five personality traits.
● The research progresses our understanding of the relationship between maternal employment status and adolescent girls’ psychological development.
● The findings revealed a direct correlation between maternal employment and higher levels of empathy, positivity, and personality development in adolescent girls, highlighting the potential societal and psychological benefits of maternal workforce participation.
Plain Language Summary 
This work discusses how a mother’s career can shape what kind of person her daughter grows up to be, focusing on empathy, positivity, and personality traits. Empathy is about understanding and sharing the feelings of others. Positivity involves a tendency to maintain a positive attitude and outlook on life. Personality traits refer to qualities like resilience (ability to recover quickly from difficulties), openness (willingness to experience new ideas and situations), and conscientiousness (being careful and diligent). We discovered that if a mother works, it could make her daughter more empathetic, positive, resilient, open, and conscientious. This means that a mother’s job can influence her daughter in good ways. It is essential to understand these findings because they show that when a mother works, it contributes to the family’s income and helps shape her daughter’s character and attitude. These findings shed new light on discussions about working moms and family life.

Abstract (1223 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (362 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (206 Views)   |   Highlights
• Pregnancy striae are the most common connective tissue changes during pregnancy. They affect primiparous and multiparous women of any race.
• Striae are not medically dangerous for the mother or the fetus. However, these changes can cause psychological distress in women and lead to undesirable maternal and neonatal outcomes.
• Vitamin C cream effectively reduces the occurrence and severity of pregnancy striae.
• Vitamin C cream can serve as an effective, cost-effective, safe, and acceptable intervention for pregnant women in the prevention of pregnancy striae.
Plain Language Summary 
Pregnancy is a crucial and sensitive stage in a woman’s life, with a direct impact on both maternal and fetal health. Pregnancy brings significant changes, one of the most common of which is pregnancy striae. This condition is often perceived as a cosmetic concern but can lead to psychological burdens for the affected women. So far, the effect of local treatment with vitamin creams on this condition has not been investigated. The results of this study confirm the effectiveness of vitamin C cream in reducing the occurrence and severity of pregnancy striae.

Abstract (1342 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (383 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (304 Views)   |   Highlights
● Hypertension is a controllable risk factor for heart and blood vessel diseases.
● According to the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) clinical practice guideline for controlling hypertension and its follow-up through telenursing, educating older patients are efficient in handling hypertension. 
● The experimental group’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse pressure decreased significantly compared to the control group after the intervention.
Plain Language Summary 
Although high blood pressure is a main risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, a considerable percentage of hypertensive patients are unable to manage their hypertension due to a lack of knowledge. Even after teaching and receiving information, patients often need follow-up on care and program implementation. Telenursing, through telecommunications technology, provides this follow-up from remote areas. Accordingly, the present study was designed to examine the impact of training based on the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) clinical practice guideline with and without follow-up through telenursing on stage 1 hypertension among older adult patients with stable angina pectoris. Based on the results, follow-up training given to patients through telenursing efficiently handles their high blood pressure. 

Abstract (1372 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (382 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (236 Views)   |   Highlights
● Palliative care is an integral component of the primary health care system.
● Nurses in this study had a low or inadequate knowledge about palliative care and a negative or neutral attitude toward it.
● The nurses’ lack of knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice may contribute to their lack of preparedness to provide palliative care.
Demographic and occupational factors, such as age, work experience, level of education, and attendance at palliative care training, can affect the nurses’ knowledge of palliative care and attitude to the care of dying patients.
Plain Language Summary 
Through palliative care, nurses improve the quality of life of seriously-ill patients and their families. They can use special measures to predict, prevent, and reduce their suffering. This type of care is essential for end-of-life patients. Evidence-Based nursing practice is high-quality nursing care considering up-to-date scientific research rather than relying on traditional methods, peer recommendations, or personal beliefs. This study showed that knowledge of palliative care among primary health care nurses in Astana City, Kazakhstan, was low or inadequate, and the attitude toward dying patients in most cases was neutral. Nurses mostly scored low on the professional competencies in evidence-based nursing practice, mainly in the practice aspect. Moreover, there was a strong direct relationship between knowledge and attitude to palliative care and the level of evidence-based practice proficiency. 

Abstract (1527 Views) | Full-Text (PDF) (396 Downloads)   |   Full-Text (HTML) (267 Views)   |   Highlights
● Measuring the precise level of blood glucose is very critical in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
● One of the common methods of measuring blood glucose in medical settings and at home is capillary blood glucose.
● Various factors affect the capillary blood glucose level, including the preparation of the sampling site.
● Cleaning the blood sampling site with alcohol, a common preparation method may show false results.
● Based on the results of the present study, the suggested method with the lowest error estimation is washing the sampling site with soap and water.
Plain Language Summary 
Measuring the capillary blood glucose with a glucometer is one of the usual methods of monitoring blood glucose in medical centers and homes. Since the blood glucose level determines the appropriate treatment method, this measurement must be done accurately. One of the most effective factors in measuring capillary blood glucose is the preparation of blood sampling sites. So, using some disinfectants or not drying these substances from the skin before taking the sample can cause errors in showing blood glucose levels. In this study, four methods of alcohol, water, without using any substance, and soap and water were compared, and the blood glucose resulting from each method was compared with the vein blood glucose level of the same person. The results showed that the best method is to wash the blood sampling site with soap and water and dry it before sampling.

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